“Own your vision. Be unrelenting in its creation. Control the nuance while allowing for malleability.” – Bucho Rodenberger This morning I got fired up (Lately, I’ve been feeling on fire) when I read these words. A quote from a colleague of mine, a fellow writer...
A Note On Grief.
Aug 11, 2016
Today is for acknowledging fear, darkness, and the shadows that live within us. It is for honesty and self-love. Vulnerability. I am open. I am speaking. Please listen. Today I had a polarity therapy session with my massage therapist, and about an hour into the...
Facebook is my Answering Machine
Aug 9, 2016
Do you remember the days when we had answering machines? When cell phones didn’t exist and you couldn’t be reached ALL the time? When others didn’t expect you to be reached all the time? And do you remember coming home, and feeling that little flitter of excitement...
Query Letters & Pizza Hut & Alcohol: lessons from PNWA Writer’s Conference 2016
Aug 2, 2016
So many emotions inside of this body. So many questions, doubts, and fears. Will my book ever be ready? Will an agent want me? Will my book be published? Will I amount to anything? All of these questions as I order Pizza Hut (a childhood staple) and sooth...