My Romance Novel, Home’s Harbor, is a MOOD.
Listen—I’ve lived in a lot of places. A lot of beautiful places. Northern Michigan, Chicago, San Francisco (which was just too damn sunny for me; I know—it’s crazy, but true), but when I came to Seattle, my soul simply sighed and said, Yes. This. This…moodiness.
So it’s only natural that my romance novel, Home’s Harbor, set here in the PNW, in an Inn on an island just outside of Seattle, would be a MOOD.
Its colors—muted grays and greens and blues. Like the sky and Puget Sound, the rows and rows of Evergreen trees that spear the sky.
This is what makes my romance novel soar—its setting, its atmosphere. And that setting has become a character in my book, underscoring tensions between characters, as a bomb cyclone hits the island and threatens Inn Buchanan, essentially trapping the characters inside of the inn—together—forcing our love interests to face each other, as well as their own truths.
I LOVE this book.
This is what I imagine:
You, the reader, in a cozy chair, with a huge mug of hot tea, curled up in your favorite blanket, as rain pitter patters outside your living room window, with my book in your lap, and this world I’ve created, these characters, my words sweeping you away like the tide rolling in on a moody, Pacific Northwest day.
But not yet.
Home’s Harbor is out on submission to editors.
So I’m waiting.
For an editor to fall in love with Home’s Harbor just as much as I have.
Abd when the day comes? I can’t wait to share Inn Buchanan, Harbor Island—Aila and Will and Rafe and Cam—with all of you.