A Journey to My Authentic Self: Past Life Soul Retrievals, Kundalini Awakening & More. I’m deep into my healing journey and so far I’ve had: a Kundalini awakening (still in the throes of this), five past life soul retrievals (I was a witch, over and over again), a...
Let’s Talk About My Rape (In Light of the Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing):
Sep 29, 2018
This is the first time that I’m publicly coming out and proclaiming that, yes, I was raped. It took me years to resolve what happened to me in my mind, years of going over and over that moment, or not going over and over that moment, but instead ignoring that this was...
For my daughter; for my husband; for myself. (And, I guess, for my doctors.)
Jul 14, 2018
My doctor suggested I write my journey down. It’s been a long one. With vertigo, and chronic joint pain, muscle pain, lightheadedness, fatigue – but these things, these things I can live with. It’s the unknown that makes me feel as though I am dying. And I know that...
Complete Placenta Previa, Another Challenge.
May 31, 2017
A dear friend told me she believes we aren’t given more than we can handle, and that she’s fairly certain I’m a shark; I’m fairly certain as well. I’ve been challenged, for almost a year now I’ve been consistently challenged – physically, emotionally, mentally – and I...
Meniere’s Disease: A Misdiagnosis
Mar 1, 2017
This has been such an exhausting (and expensive!) journey, this journey into my health issues – seeing doctor after doctor, doing test after test – at least one per day – and what have I learned? We must be our own advocates. I had a flight in December and my body...
I’m Struggling: Diseases Suck.
Feb 6, 2017
In December, a dear friend of mine (a piece of my heart) passed away. She was suffering. She had been in and out of doctors for two years and they had yet to be able to diagnose the autoimmune disease/diseases she was suffering from. And she suffered. Oh, did she...